When a bash alias is not enough, for example when you need to provide arguments to a command.

alias myalias="echo the args $@ provided"

Will result in

[jocc@manjaro ~]$ myalias 1 2 3
the args provided 1 2 3

When ran with the arguments 1 , 2 and 3. The fact that the arguments are at the end in the output shows us that they were not treated as arguments - they were just appended to the end of the aliases output.

If we instead create it like this:

myfunction () {
    echo the args $@ provided

(You can for example put the function in yout .bashrc file, don’t forget to source it: source .bashrc)

We will get the result

[jocc@manjaro ~]$ myfunction 1 2 3
the args 1 2 3 provided